Get ready for another sizzling showdown as the Bega BBQ Smokeout Competition returns for its 2nd year, brought to you by Elders Bega on Saturday, 17th February 2024. This smokin’ event promises a grill-tastic day filled with flavour, fun, and fierce competition.

Event Details:

Date: Saturday, 17th February 2024
Location: Bega Showground 

Registration is now open! So don’t miss your chance to secure a spot for your team in all three mouth-watering categories. Act fast to be in the running for the coveted title of the 2024 Bega BBQ Show Champion! To register, simply fill out the form below.


Special Announcement:

We are happy to announce that Longstocking Brewery in Pambula will be coming on as a sponsor for the competition. They will be setting the teams a challenge to incorporate one of their beers in one of the following categories above. They must use of the one of the beers, if fail to do so, could mean losing out in additional points and not being eligible to win the Bega BBQ Smokeout 2024 Championship.

Judging Times:

Ribs at 5:30pm

Lamb at 6:30pm

Beef at 7:30pm

Trophies and prize money await the champions of each category, with an additional honour for the Best All Around. Don’t miss the chance to claim your slice of the prize!

Important Information:

Entry Fee: $55 Per Team including GST
Team Setup: Friday, 16th February 2024
Cooking Time: From 7 am on Saturday, 17th February 2024. Until judging of specific times.

Judging Criteria:
All entries will be judged in three rounds starting at 5:30 pm (Ribs), 6:30 pm (Lamb) and 7:30 pm (Beef) on Saturday, 17th February 2024. Each team must submit a sample in the provided unidentified containers, along with a side note of which category they used the Longstocking Brewery beer in. Remember, judges’ decisions are final!

All entries must be cooked on the official BBQ contest grounds using charcoal, wood, or propane-fired devices. No boiled or fried entries will be accepted. Teams are responsible for adhering to temperature and sanitary requirements. Again, they must use a Longstocking Brewery Beer in one of their meats.

Contestants’ Responsibilities:
Teams can sell their delectable samples to the public with prior approval from the Bega Show committee. Don’t forget to bring your items to the judging area by 5:30 pm, 6:30 pm and 7:30 pm for each category.

Marketing Activity:
To spice things up, all teams are required to provide their team logo and name for promotion. We’ll be filming and snapping photos throughout the day to showcase the Bega Show and upcoming events.

For any inquiries, contact Matthew Hughes at 0413 819 752 or [email protected]

Join us for a day of smoke, sizzle, and sensational flavours at the Bega BBQ Smokeout Competition – where the heat is on!